Friday, February 6, 2009

Human Training For Your Maine Coon Cat

Author: Jonathan Charles

Having a pet gives you lots of opportunities to talk with other pet owners on the subject of training, but when you own a Maine Coon Cat, everything is turned on its head. The talk is not about training your pet but actually it's about training you.

The first thing you'll notice is that your maine takes careful note of your sleeping habits, when you go to bed and when you wake up, and if you try to deviate from these times your cat just will not put up with it. You will be told in no uncertain terms what you're sleeping and waking times are and you must keep to these times or else...

You will soon discover that your Maine is a creature of habit and that he likes his breakfast and lunch and dinner at the same time each day, and you can be sure that he knows exactly where the food cupboard is. It will soon become clear to you that the best thing to do is to keep to a set schedule and stick with it day by day.

Your cat will never tire of making sure that you do exactly what you are supposed to do and this means that he will be checking up on all of your duties both in the house and indeed outside the house. Friends will be vetted and even you will be checked to make sure that you have washed and dressed properly.

Maine Coon Cats

You will need to develop the habit of going on regular walks with your cat but please make sure that you know how to use the lease and harness correctly so that you can have an enjoyable and safe walk.

We have spoken a bit about training and much of this will be learned as you go along and as you get to know your cat more and more. A lot of it is just plain common sense for instance make sure you don't leave easy access to your toilet paper otherwise you may find the toilet paper is not just in the bathroom but in the rest of the house as well. Just common sense really.

Space is something that is vital for your Maine Coon cat. Whether you're sitting down relaxing in front of the television or whether you're attending to some household chore your Maine Coon will want to be with you and so you must ensure that there is sufficient space for him or her to join you. You just need to remember that although you may think you own a Maine Coon, they actually own you!

Finally just to say that Maine Coon Cats are a very unique breed of cat, unlike any other domestic cat. If you already own one you will know that to be true.

Unlike most other cat breeds, the Maine Coon is a highly sociable cat, and in many ways similar in sociability to a dog.

Clear Cat Automatic Nightlight

And so keeping your Maine Coon Cat happy and contented requires much more than simply keeping it fed and watered. They need lots of love and attention from you as well, and you need to be prepared to give this if you want a happy, well balanced cat.

About the Author:
Before you go anywhere else make sure you read about John's book on Maine Coon Cats

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Incontinence in Cats or Inappropriate Urination? How You Can Tell the Difference

Incontinence in Cats or Inappropriate Urination? How You Can Tell the Difference

Author: Darlene Norris

Has this ever happened to you? You're noticing that your cat is urinating in places other than his litter box. People automatically assume that inappropriate urination in cats is because of a behavior issue, or it's because their cat is getting older.

However there could be a medical problem causing incontinence in cats to be a problem for your feline friend. A trip to the vet is always in order for a cat who suddenly starts showing signs of feline incontinence.

Feline Incontinence Versus Inappropriate Urination

An incontinent cat has no control over his bladder at all. He may urinate when he's lying down, or sleeping, or even dribble as he walks around. The usual cause is a weak sphincter muscle. This is not a very common condition in cats, although it's sometimes seen in spayed females who are somewhat overweight.

Incontinence in cats may also be a symptom of feline diabetes. Diabetes causes your cat to be extremely thirsty. If he's drinking lots more water, he may not always make it to the litter box in time.

If your cat is incontinent when he's resting, you should have him checked for feline leukemia. Both male and female cats who are positive for this virus are sometimes incontinent.

While inappropriate urination is sometimes a behavior problem, it can be a result of feline lower urinary tract disease. Cat and Dog Repellent

Feline Cystitis Is The Most Common Reason For Urination Outside The Litter Box

A cat with a feline bladder infection has an inflammation of his bladder. This causes him to need to empty his bladder frequently. If you use clumping cat litter, you should see a few big clumps of urine when you scoop it. If you find many small clumps, this is a sign of cat urinary problems.

Other symptoms include crying out in pain as he tries to use the litter box. You may see him crouching over, straining to pass urine. Many cat owners mistake this for constipation, which can be a fatal mistake if he has a urinary blockage. A blocked cat is a veterinary emergency. Your cat will die within a day or two if he's completely blocked.

What Your Vet Needs To Know

Your vet will ask the following questions:

  • Has your cat been under a lot of stress lately? Have you moved, or added a new person or pet to the household? Have you changed his diet?

  • Where is your cat urinating? In a corner? On your bed? Where he sleeps?

  • Is he drinking more water than he usually does?

  • Is he dribbling urine or is he just urinating more often than usual?

  • Does he have blood in his urine?

  • Has your cat ever been injured?

Your vet will check your cat for a urinary blockage that could be caused by cat bladder stones.

Treatment For Feline Cystitis

Antibiotics are usually prescribed to clear up any infection. What you need to do at home is to increase the amount of water your cat is taking in. The easiest way to do this is to switch him over to canned food, which has a much higher moisture level than dry. It's been found that the key to preventing feline bladder infections is to increase the amount of liquid going through your cat.

You may also want to consider a natural remedy for feline urinary support. Look for one that contains both herbal and homeopathic remedies that support bladder health in animals. Uva ursi and barberry, along with Cantharis and Staphysagria have stood the test of time in humans, and they can be very effective for cats, too.

Your next step? To take what you've just learned and determine what's causing feline incontinence in your furball.

About the Author:

Darlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn more about solving the problem of incontinence in cats, and find feline urinary support information at

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